Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Quotes from Tilden Edwards on Spiritual Formation and Prayer

From the Book--Living the Presence

“…we are tempted to draw the experience toward us as a possession, a trophy to grasp, secure, and assimilate into a willed autonomous empire of self” (9)

“prayer is more a way of being than an isolated way of doing” (11)

“By the heart God can be gotten, by the mind never” from Cloud of Unknowing (12)

“Toward ourselves we become petty tyrants, invoking overstriving and a consequent sense of failure and guilt, or self-deception at every turn” (13)

“God meets with an open-armed cross rather than with an army” (12)

“Anything we do with our bodies is a form of prayer when our central intent is opening to God’s presence through it” (17)

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