Monday, October 05, 2009

Top 7 Republican Candidates for 2012 election

1. Mitt Romney--Probably the top candidate, but he needs to do something significant in the next couple of years

2. Lindsay Graham--His stock is rising. This shot toward the fringe right is carving out a spot to run as a mainstream conservative

3. David Petraus--If he is running, he will leave the military in the four months

4. Mike Huckabee--Not sure he has a shot, but he will command even more power in the party than last time he ran

5. Ron Paul--same as huckabee, different demographic. Don't be surprised to see him run Libertarian

6. Mike Bloomberg--Will run on his efficient managment of New York Economy as well as his financial acumen

7. Sarah Palin--Above all, her resignation of governor after not finishing her first term will keep her from winning. More than losing respect through the last campaign, she lost trust by how she behaved afterward


Eric L said...

My thoughts:
Mitt Romney-- probably will be the VP candidate
Lindsay Graham--would be another old senator to lose to a young Dem. (like McCain and Dole)
David Petraus--if he is a Republican (which I'm not sure that he is) he'll need to first become a Rep., Sen., and/or Gov. before a presidential run (maybe in 2016).
Mike Huckabee--no shot
Ron Paul--again, no shot, especially concidering his age.
Mike Bloomberg--will be as successful with the base as Guiliani was
Sarah Palin--who knows

Off the Bench (and better chances than all of the above, except Romeny, in my opinion):
Bobby Jindal, Tim Pawlenty,& John Thune

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a mistake to count Palin out completely. Yes, she has made some mistakes, but which politician hasn't. There is a reason she is still on everyone's mind. She has staying power, which I believe will help her come time to run for president.

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