Friday, November 06, 2009

Conversation of the Day: Cutting-Edge Conservative Thought

I went downtown to buy envelopes this morning, and one of our deacons came up to me in his hoveraround wheelchair. This was our conversation:

Ronnie: I have an email to send to you, do you have an email address?
Me: I do. The easiest way to get to it is to read it out of the bulliten. Do you have one.
Ronnie: No I don't. Have any of you got the H1N1 vaccine yet?
Thrift Store Owner: I don't plan to.
Church Pianist: No I haven't
Ronnie: Don't get it. It has microchips in it.
Church Pianist: Ohhhh. Why?
Ronnie: It is in the book of Revelation. The number of the Beast. All that stuff.
Me: Ronnie....there are no microchips in the Bible!
Church Pianist: (Laughs)
Ronnie: Yes, but the Bible talks about the end times, and those that number of the beast will not go to heaven
Me: Ronnie, I think the mark of the beast is something that we choose
Ronnie: You ever watch Glen Beck?
Thrift Store Lady: Oh I love watching him. He is entertaining. He gets so excited everyday I think he is going to have a heart attack in the middle of the show.
Ronnie:Well. That is how we know it is true. My email is from Glen Beck.
Me: Well...I need to go get those envelopes...see you all soon (walks into grocery store)


Steve said...

lol. I'm glad William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater are not around to have to experience this kind of thing. I can't even listen to those shows anymore. I'd rather listen to someone who disagrees with me than someone who agrees for asinine reasons.

Gossip Cowgirl said...

I am still laughing out loud at this one!! Hahahahaha!

There are no microchips in the Bible? I don't know what version you're reading, buddy, but MY bible has microchips in it.

Oh, and I worry about Glenn Beck's heart, too...

PS. I'm making funny words out of the word verifications, and today, I got "fooke", which I have decided is what happens when something is just SO fake, it's fooke... like Octomom's face, or the Real Housewives.

Anonymous said...

I miss Fowler.

Friar Tuck said...

@Steve--I found the warning you talked about from GB. He does warn against it as you say, but at the same time he also reminds his listeners not to trust the government not to do it in the near future.

@Eric--I know you do.

larkswing said...

lol! Oh that is priceless! Someone told me, in the grocery store the other day, that there is a czar in the white house ready to sterilize all men in America. The fella said that they have the money appropriated for it, all they have to do is get the word go. I asked where he heard this, "oh, on Fox, they have all about it..." Well, yes, one of the czars had suggested a form of sterilization - in a book he co authored in the 70's, but I never found where this was a current goal nor ready to be administered at the drop of the word go. I tend not watch any of the main stream media news - too many extremes or not enough info.

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