Monday, April 04, 2011

Battle of the Bulge: Oh Happy Day!

This week I lost 6 pounds! This is good news. And a relief from the sad and meager losses of 1 and 2 pounds and a gain of one pound.

So, I should examine what I did right. First, I was diligent about being regular with my medication. Second, I ate none of my "extra points" this week. Third, I had a managable Sunday evening meal. Fourth, I spread out my calories throughout the day instead of eating most of them later in the day. Finally, last week was an awful Sunday for me, and this week was a fairly nice one, so there was less stress to inhibit weight loss.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Hi Clint, I've been following your journey and I just want to say "good job"! Weight loss is a life long journey and it is worth the work. My hubby and I have struggled with our weight most of our adult lives and it takes a lot of focus to move into healthy thinking and behavior.
Keep up the diligent work!

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