By Daniel Meyer
ISBN 978-0-8308-1089-5
IVP Connect
Reviewed by Clint Walker
IVP Connect is the arm of Intervarsity Press that produces materials to disciple and teach Christian believers on matters of the faith. Specifically, they produce a number of curriculum resources of different kinds that individuals and groups can use for study. Recently, IVP launched their "Essentials" series, which is created to do in-depth discipleship with a leader and a small number of committed students. Witness Essenials is the fourth book in this series, and trains spiritual apprentices to share their faith with others.
Witness Essentials is well-organized. The introduction of the book clearly communicates the need for evangelism training, and its inclusion in an in-depth discipleship training curriculum. The teaching sessions are logically arranged in four parts. The first part of the study helps students see the "big picture". Then, it gives helpful information in reaching out to people. After that, significant time is spent teaching how to life a life that draws others to Christ. Finally, tools are given to transition people from spiritually interested to devoted followers of Jesus.
Each chapter has a biblical foundation, a memory verse section, a reading that offers teaching about the section discussed, and an application section. The material can be gotten through in one-hour, but it would be better covered in a lengthier time period.
I have not used Witness Essentials with my church yet, but I have used other books in the series. I have found that adults who are serious about being disciples enjoy this study immensely, regardless of age or what part of the country they live in. With Discipleship Essentials, there was one octogenerian who said that this kind of study was the best study she had ever done in church, and she learned more with this kind of study than many other studies she had been to. We also had several people who were eager to learn in this more serious format that were not willing to study in other formats. I love the Essentials series! For me, and for my church.
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