Friday, March 08, 2013

Book Review of the Secrets of Intercessory Prayer

The Secrets of Intercessory Prayer
Jack Hayford
ISBN 978-0-8007-9545-0
Chosen Books
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Recently I had the privilege of doing a quick read through The Secrets of Intercessory Prayer by Jack Hayford. Throughout the book, Jack takes his readers through a description and some instructions on how to pray for others effectively. He also shares several thoughtful examples about how prayer worked in his life and in other people's experience to change lives and hearts.

Hayford begins his book by painting a picture of need for more people who are committed to intercessory prayer for their friends, community and world. He shares several examples of how prayer changes things.

He goes on to share about several specific forms of intercessory prayer, from praying for one's family, to praying against the powers of darkness, to praying for those we are longing to see come to faith, and everything in between. He shares these prayer techniques with enthusiasm and passion for prayer that can only come from someone who believes that prayer works.

Hayford shares very specific stories in every chapter which reinforce his points and make it clear that prayer works. The stories and style of writing make this book very easy to read, and a quick read for most readers.

I think this would be a great book for a person who is just beginning to think about and learn about intercessory prayer.

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