Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Book Review of Know the Creeds and Councils

Know the Creeds and Councils
by Justin S. Holcomb
ISBN 978-0-310-51509-8
Reviewed by Clint Walker

I love the KNOW series from Zondervan. It is easily read, and yet each book in the series packs in some great information about both Church History and Christian doctrine.

Know the Creeds and Councils sequentially covers a number of creeds and confessions of the church through time, leading up to the modern day. Included in the study is both the documents of the early church, some confessions from the Reformation era, as well as the import of Vatican II and some evangelical gatherings that the author felt were important.

Some of these creeds and councils are important primarily for the doctrinal standards they set. Others in the series of councils and creeds are more important because they pave the way for how the Church functions and does ministry and mission in the world. Some were more familiar to me from my study of church history than others. All of them, however, are important.

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