Saturday, July 12, 2014

Book Review of Arms Wide Open

Arms Wide Open: A Call to Linger in the Savior's Presence
by Sherri Gragg
ISBN 978-1-4003-2346-3
Thomas Nelson
Reviewed by Clint Walker

This is an easy to read book about the life of Christ. Written to describe how Jesus personally encountered people with real needs in the real world, it can work both as a survey of Christ's life to read straight through, or as a devotional that slowly helps people encounter Jesus through the story of Scripture.

Each chapter begins with a title and few verses from other places in Scripture that further the author's point. The a portion of Scripture is read. After that the teaching tells the story in a more modern manner paying attention to the scene that must have surrounded the people when Jesus originally walked the earth. Some of these stories are first-person reflections. Others are told more from the perspective of an observer.

This book would be great both as a help for Christians wanting to deepen their walk with Christ, and for non-believers who might need to know more about what Jesus is all about.

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