Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Book Review of Organic Mentoring by Sue Edwards and Barbara Neumann

Organic Mentoring: A Mentor's Guide to Relationships with the Next Generation Women
Sue Edwards and Barbara Neumann
ISBN 978-0-8254-4333-6
Kregel Ministry
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Mentoring might be the most impact-filled way of forming disciples of Christ and building the church, but in our quest for efficiency and numbers in attendance in church programs it has often been neglected. Thankfully Sue Edwards and Barbara Neumann have put together a wise book that calls the church, and especially church womeen, to engage in the act of mentoring both to make disciples and to help them grow into maturity in the Christian faith.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part makes the case for a new day for mentoring, as well as a new way for mentoring women. Seeking to be sensitive to the needs and culture that mentors need to be missional within, they make the case for a new way to reach and mentor a new generation.

Then, the women lay out the specific fields of ministry and ways of reaching women in order to mentor them. Included are topics such as how to use technology to your advantage as a mentor, and ways of connecting to people who are not necessarily awash in church culture. This really is a rather thoughtful book. Something I hand to a mature Christian women who wants to make an impact on younger generations.

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