Monday, April 18, 2022

When the Rooster Crowed--Maundy Thursday Meditation



Can you imagine what it must have been like for Peter, when that rooster crowed?

He had seen Jesus have arrangements made arrangements for the meal. And then as he walked into the meal, there he was, dressed like a servant. Washing feet. The feet of his friends. Then Jesus made his way to Peter. I must wash your feet as well.

“No way!”, Peter said. I should wash your feet.

“Peter this is both a lesson for you and for others. You have no part of my or my kingdom if you don’t let me wash your feet, “ Jesus replied.”

“Well, wash me all over then”, Peter said.

Your feet will do just fine, Peter replied.

So passionate. So enthusiastic. So eager to be the one standing by Jesus. Just a few hours before!

Can you imagine what it must have been like for Peter, when that rooster crowed?

“Someone will betray me”, Jesus said.

“Who?”, Peter replied

“The one whose bread was dipped in the cup,” Jesus replied

It was Judas, and immediately Judas left the meal.

I will not betray you, Peter said.

Before this night is up, though, Peter, you will deny me three times, Jesus said.

NEVER, Peter answered.

Soon the disciples went to the garden to pray. Pray with me Jesus asked. Peter and his friends kept falling asleep.

Can’t you stay up for at least an hour and pray with me, Jesus asked.

And soon Judas came with the soldiers to arrest Jesus.

Could you not stay up an hour, Jesus asked

Can you imagine what it must have been like a few hours later, when you were Peter, as the rooster crowed?

The soldiers went to grab Jesus and arrest him. Peter took out a sword, and cut off Malchius’s ear. Jesus healed the ear, and rebuked the violence. They let him away.

Can you imagine what it must have been like, if you were Peter, when the rooster crowed.

They led him to the house of the chief priest. A preparation for a mockery of trial had already been started. Peter stood in the courtyard. People kept thinking he looked familiar. You are with that Jesus, aren’t you. He denied him once. Then again. Then a third time. As the led Jesus out the rooster crowed? Peter wept bitterly.

Peter started out passionately committed that day. Eager. Enthusiastic. Passionate. Committed to Christ.

By the end of the day, Peter had argued with Jesus, failed to stay awake with him, lashed out in violence and was scolded, and then finally denied Jesus three times before the sun had even come up.

We have all failed. We have all lost our nerve. We have all failed to have courage when we needed it most. We have all not done what we should have, and we have all done what we should not. We have all sinned.

We have also all betrayed Christ. We have betrayed his trust, denied his provision, failed to stand for what is right, failed to love the least of these…..

Can you imagine what it must have been like for Peter, when that rooster crowed, and just as Jesus had told him would happen.

Maundy Thursday that Jesus was willing to serve us even when he knew some of us would betray him, others of us would deny him, and others would shrink and hide away in the difficult moments.

Maundy Thursday reminds us that we cannot be made whole through our own efforts. Christ was broken so that we could be made whole. Christ’s blood was shed so that we might be set free. Christ gave us the model of a servant God and a sacrificial savior because he knew that we needed that model, and he sent us his Spirit and his church because he knew we could not do this on our own.

Can you imagine what is was like to have been Peter, I bet you can.

But we know now what Peter didn’t understand until later. That grace is offered freely. That forgiveness and redemption are the hallmarks of the life of a disciple. That no failure is ever fatal. That God’s love is bigger than our failures.

So, lean on the Lord this evening and this week. Let his meal sustain you. Let his example inspire you. Let his love heal you. Let his grace set you free.


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