Monday, May 14, 2007

You Know You are Grown when...

You know you are a kid spend all weekend at the mall
You know you are grown spend all weekend shopping houses

You know you are a kid get excited about a trip to Denver
You know you are grown dread running an errand across town

You know you are a kid when...going roller skating sounds like a good time
You know you are grown when...going to the roller skating rink makes you feel like a pedophile

You know you are a kid when...eating Mcdonalds twice in a week sounds exciting
You know you are grown get excited about how much you saved cooking tuna helper.

You know you are a kid hope oneday to have your own room
You know you are grown hope oneday to move from the cubicle to an office of your own.

You know you are a kid when...a dog is a good friend
You know you are grown when...a dog is $50 more a month, plus a $250 deposit

What other ones of these can you think of? I would love to hear them!
You know you are grown when...

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