Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Doggie Crack

My dog is addicted to begging strips. He sees them. His eyes get big. His heart start palpitating, and he slobbers. I make him work for his money by performing tricks. But he short circuits his tricks to get his dope quicker. He yelps at me. I tell him he is not allowed to get a treat for half-ass work. He needs to sit all the way down and roll all the way over. Eventually he gets the point. Then he paws and begs for more.
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Heather said...

I think you're on to something. Beggin' Strips do something to dogs, just like catnip does to cats!

Yes, yes, it's doggie crystal meth! LOL! My three pups go nuts for Beggin' Strips too!

David Cho said...

All dogs love that stuff.

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