Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our Daily Bread Quotes

Chrysostom from The Gospel of Matthew Homily 19.5:

What is daily bread? Just enough for one day. Here Jesuss is speaking to people who have natural needs of the flesh, who are subject to the necessities of nature. He does not pretend we are angels. He consdesends to the infirmity of our nature in giving us his commands. The severity of nature does not permit you to go without food. So for the maturing of your life, he says, I require necessary food, not a complete freedom from natural necessities. But note how even in things that are bodily, spiritual correlations abound. For it is not for riches or frills that we pray. It is not for wastefulness or extravagant clothing that we pray, but only for bread. And only for bread on a daily basis, so as not to "worry about tomorrow".

Chysostom was known as "Golden Tongue", and was considered the premier teacher and preacher of the early, pre-constantinian church. This is taken from one of his sermons.

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Anonymous said...

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