Monday, February 14, 2011

Still Marching Forward

This week I continued to lose weight. I lost 4 pounds. We went to lunch and Walmart in La Junta for a few supplies. Jennifer suggested, since I was going to need to run a couple of errands in Pueblo on Monday, that I should weigh in a day early. That is what I did. And although I was wearing layers and heavier church clothes, I still lost those four pounds.

Right now I want to lose more weight faster, but am feeling good about a pace of around 4 pounds a week. Perhaps when I get better when I start exercising more. We will see.

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Book Review of The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters edited by Gupta, Cohick, and McKnight

Dictionary of Paul and His Letters: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship: Second Edition Edited by Scot McKnight, Lynn Cohick, ...