Monday, December 13, 2004

More quotes for today

God never mends, he creates anew--
DL Moody

Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs--
Theodore Roosevelt

Give me men who love nothing but God and who hate nothing but sin--
John Wesley

It doesnt take much of a man to be a takes all of him--
Dawson Trotman

Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, pray for powers equal to your tasks--
Phillip Brooks

Nothing could more surely convince me of God's unending mercy that the continued existence of the church on earth--
Annie Dillard

Before a man can do things, there must be things he will not do.--

There is something morally repulsive about modern activistic theories which deny contemplation and recognize nothing but struggle. For them not a single moment has value in itself, but is only a means for what follows.--
Nicolas Berdyaev

True knowledge of God is born out of obeidience.--
John Calvin

All actual life is encounter--
Martin Buber

1 comment:

Gossip Cowgirl said...

I love the Annie Dillard quote...

One could say the same thing about the existence of Christians, technically. I consider myself full of grace, I don't know about anyone else, but man, I am a *sinner*...

I love Annie Dillard anyway.

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