Thursday, December 16, 2004

Scarcity and Abundance


Sometimes several events in your life come together to teach you something new about yourself and the world. Such has been the case the last couple of months.
First of all, I have moved from a three-bedroom house to a one-bedroom apartment. As I began to contemplate moving, and even more as I began to pack I had to evaluate my possessions. What do I need? What do I not need? I found that there were things that were nice to have, and that there were things I held on to just because I might need it someday. I even had to look at some of my books and ask myself whether I was ever going to use some of the books I had. I sent my dresser down the road, along with a computer that was not working that I thought I might try and fix someday even though it was grossly outdated. A lot of old clothes went down the road. I even threw away some old books, and gave away others. I sold some old futons in a garage sale. And, I have found that God has still provided for all that I need.

At the same time, I have been striving to live a healthier lifestyle in regard to exercise and diet. As I strive to eat healthier, I also learn of God�s abundance. The same stuff that is around today is going to be there tomorrow. Oven-bake pizzas can be an occasional treat instead a meal that grocery attendants used to identify as a regular part of my bachelor culinary regimen. As I exercise, I often wonder if I will have time to take care of all of the other things in my life. Again, God provides the energy and the time.

I may never be a thin person who loves to graze on garbanzo beans and runs a marathon, and there will probably always be a new book that I want to read and learn from. However, I am beginning to understand more and more of the truths about the birds of the air and the flowers of the field that Jesus shares in the Sermon on the Mount. And even in mountaintop and desert times in my life, God is teaching me that His word is true when it says, �I have come that you may have LIFE, and have it more abundantly� (John 10:10).

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