Thursday, February 24, 2005

Shelf Beliefs

In the book on Calvinism I am reading, Richard Mouw recounts his conversation with a Mormon friend who said he was falling in love with the book of Romans. He said that he liked it because it discussed salvation by grace, the full atonement of sins, expressed how utterly dependent on grace we are, and the utter dependence on the work of God for his salvation. Mouw then asks, well what do you do with this belief that God started out as a finite human being, and that as humans who are good Mormons we can be diefied. The man responded that those were "shelf beliefs". Things that he agreed with to a point, but did not effect his everyday experience of life and faith. Mouw uses this to express that his belief in limited atonement is very similar, that he holds the belief loosely.

What are the shelf beliefs in your life? Ideas and theology that may be unpopular, and maybe not all that relevant to everyday life and faith, but once in a while they apply, and if pushed you will defend them as what you believe. Do you have any?

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