Monday, February 21, 2005

There is still hope

Due to the recent Bush revelations, and the most recent Simpson episode, I chose to lead our youth group in a discussion on homosexuality via a case study. Many of you may think I am fixated on this issue due to recent blogs. The truth is that my blogs, and what is in the news, led me to believe it would be an appropriate time to have this discussion. In part this is also do to my regular encounters with different people that seem to be a part of, or close to, the homosexual community in Colorado Springs (which is larger than you might expect. Anyway, I digress....back to the kids......

It was interesting. Now, our youth group here is urban, and although many do not like to think for themselves yet, they are surprising sophisticated in dealing with this issue.

Probably most encouraging was that they were able to listen to one another's differing opinions. And I mean really listen, without judging one another for seeing the situation differently. And, most of them held a good balance between loving homosexuals without necessarily condoning their behavior. How that works out socially and politically is radically different for each kid, but it was good to see that they could come to agreement on the basics.

Another interesting thing is that the most politically conservative people in the church's children were the most vocal for tolerance. (one exception)

It was very interesting, because it seems like a major shift in how youth are dealing this issue. My young adult group is such a contrast even, with people being violently passionate about their opinions with this issue. With the youth I deal with right now, it is much more of a "yeah dealing with this is part of life, and we need to find a way to love people without changing what we believe". I wish our mainline denominations could discuss things so calmly. Or even the older folks in our church. Maybe it will be up to emerging generations to find a way to approach this issue organically and naturally without compromising convictions...much like we deal with divorced persons in church today.

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