Sunday, August 07, 2005

Gig's Meme Response

1. Ten years ago --Graduating from college, going to seminary, and working at a camp for underpriviledged youth in Peoria, IL.

2. Five years ago -I was officiating my sister's wedding.

3. One year ago - Was sitting in my office listening to a church leader and the pastor telling me that weight loss was a condition of my employment because I did not fit "the image they wanted to present"

4. Yesterday-Got home from the final camp at Black Hills Camp and Conference Center before they turn it over to developers to build 300,000 houses there.

5. Today -Did the church thing. Sunday School, church, youth group, over to friends for lunch.

6. Tomorrow - Fly to see family in California.

7. Five snacks I enjoy --marguiritas, slurpees, Doritoes, fruit salad, oatmeal raisin cookies

8. Five bands I know the lyrics of most of their songs: U2, Rich Mullins

9. Five things I would do with $100,000,000 -- pay bills, establish endowments for missionaries I respect so they do not have to raise funds, plant a church, quit my job, become a full-time student, give away lots of it.

10. Five locations I’d like to run away to: Homer, AK; Flathead Lake, MT; Spokane WA; San Diego, CA; Some South Pacific Island where they think plus size gentleman are attractive.

11. Five Bad Habits: bad eating habits, working too much, avoiding conflict, talking too much, thinking/fixating about the opposite gender too much.

12. Five things I like doing: blogging/writing, golfing, reading, going to movies,

13. Five T.V. shows I like: Sportscenter, FOX NEWS WATCH, Surreal Life, Celebrity Fit Club, HARDBALL.

14. Famous People I’d like to meet: Bono, President Bush, GK Chesterton, Martin Luther King JR, St Francis of Assisi

15. Biggest joys at the moment: VACATION

16. Favorite toys: My car, my singing Homer Hula doll, my nunzilla windup toy.


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Please tell me #3 did not actually happen!

Surreal Life scares the heck out of me.

Friar Tuck said...

It did and that is the short version!

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