Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hot 40 over 40 (on VH 1)

In the rankings I had the following surprises:

That they are over 40
Jet Li
Nicolette Sheridan
Vivica Fox (by far the hottest of the over 40 so far)

Suprised that they were on the list
Fran Drescher
Tommy Lee
Rosanna Arquette


The Gig said...

Do you mean those that you were surprised to be on the list look to be over 40? I agree with you.

Also thanks for the comment on my blog. Pretty much all girls are "daddy's little girls." For some reason girls have a soft spot in the hearts of their dads. This is first hand information because I, myself is a "daddy's little girl" as old as I am. ha, ha

traci said...

Happy Birthday Clint!!!

Anonymous said...

Fran is one of forty people who are over forty and hot?

How do they figure that?

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