Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Desert is part of the journey

Being as I am using the lectionary for my devotional and my source for BUBBAS BIBLE BLOG, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to walk with God in the desert.

For at least the last month, the lectionary has been challenging me to read and think through the journey of the children of Israel through the desert. The wilderness between Goshen and Jericho seems to be a frustrating place. A place full of fear, the unknown, and complete and utter dependence on God for all of the day to day stuff of life. Part of me gets mad at the Israelites for muttering and being so rebellious; however, another part of me empathizes with the Israelites a lot.

In many ways, the last year and a half has been a desert time of my life. I feel like I have been kicked around a lot. I miss being close to family more now than I ever have. I feel more gifted to lead than at any point in my life, and have less opportunities for leadership than at any church I have been at.

Yet, like the Israelites, I can look back at these days at this place and feel like I have learned valuable lessons and have been blessed regardless. I have lost weight. I exercise at least 3-4 times a week. I have learned more about "working the system" and being a "professional" here than I ever would have in Montana or in Kansas. I have developed better "PR" skills than I ever had before. I have become a more polished speaker in many ways. And although I don't want to go through the last year over again, I can definitely see God's hand in it.

Now if I can just trust him for the next year!


SUPER said...

I agree. It's been a rough year for me too. I'm not quite as positive yet about it like you, although I have seen a few good things happen this last year. The negatives still seem to outweigh them, and that is something I'll keep trying to deal with and find some sort of peace about. I too, hope the next year is full of great things and that I can follow whatever path is laid before me!

Brotha Buck said...

Hey Emmitt,

Enjoyed the post. You work out 3-4 times a day. I hope you meant week 'cause your gonna hurt yourself. I'm serious, even during my bodybuilding days, I never worked out more than twice a day. Once for weightlifting and once for short cardio. You might be doing yourself more damage than good.

Friar Tuck said...

Yes I meant a week. Sorry! I will change immediately.

Anonymous said...

rough year for me too.

but God is good :)

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