Tuesday, June 13, 2006

In KC on a mission trip at Bethel Neighborhood Center, where I used to work. Kids are now working with seniors while I am working on gettting caught up with emails in the back room. All junior highers, and mostly girls. PRAY FOR ME!! LOL (Yeah but really pray for me while you are laughing).

Will be posting again on the 18th.

And hope to do some real posting and thinking instead of all this poetry and quiz stuff.

Until then GOD BLESS!!!


rubyslipperlady said...

Dear God, give the good Friar the energy and laughter that he needs to get through a week with junior high girls. Amen

Kat said...

my, my, my...you're in for a treat! :) i pray the best for you while on your trip! (and yes, I was laughing) :)

gracie said...

hey... don't knock poetry!!! It says a lot in a few choice words... and I have enjoyed yours!

Gossip Cowgirl said...

wait, wait, wait...so poetry isn't *real*? :-)

David Cho said...

Junior high kids? Aren't they about the worst?

Jeje said...

How fun! Enjoy the fruits of your hard work in planning this trip, and enjoy the crazy amounts of energy in the kids. It's awesome

Brea said...

Good luck catching up! I know how crazy it can be when you let e-mail back up.

Brotha Buck said...

See ya when you get back!

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