Thursday, January 24, 2008


Memories are fickle things.

Normally I have a good memory. I remember things people say well. I remember important moments and events. I remember things I read. Once I have driven somewhere once, I can usually remember how to get there again. I could drive you right to my grandma's house from when I was in grade school, or any house I ever lived in. I have about everything in Jennifer and I's first four dates memorized.

Yet there are times where my memory is awful. For instance, if anyone schedules something with me on a Sunday morning or evening, or a Wednesday night with work, I will probably forget that appointment.

Also, I have a hard time remembering where I put things.

Memories are fickle things. What do you remember well? What do you find hard to remember?


SUPER said...

I remember ALL of my friends phone numbers from elementary school, the funny sayings my granpa used to say to me as a kid (ie-"Hold on to your britches, we're turning!"), the way certain people and places smell, what I was wearing on specific days of my life.
I don't remember conversations I had 5 minutes ago, what I had for lunch, if I took my medicine, if I locked the door, and sometimes...where I'm driving too!!

rubyslipperlady said...

i apparently remember things that have never happened

reliv4life said...

I am not really a detail person, so I tend not to remember any facts and figures type things. And if it is not written down in my day planner, it will not happen, even if it is a regular thing. Like last wednesday we skipped my youngest's German was not written down, even though we go every wed at 4pm...well most, if they are written down! I remember vividly people and how they make me feel, good or bad. I also get lots of memory triggers by smells. Interesting thoughts Tuck!

seethroughfaith said...

I spend A LOT OF time each week looking for my mobile phone and keys :)

Sunday morning or evening, or a Wednesday night with work .. sounds like those are God times and you shouldn't make appointments then.

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