Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Got Style?--Work-based evangelism styles


Now for further reflections on Got Style?:

As we move on from the storytelling style, the styles that follow "move from word-based personality styles of works-based styles of evangelism" (p. 70). By this Johnson means that the relational, invitational, and incarnational style's are based on not simply talking about Jesus, but by living in a certain way among others that makes the Way of Jesus attractive to people.

The first style that is discussed is the relational style. The relational style reaches people through earning their trust in a meaningful relationship. As a person is able to truly relate to others, then more direct opportunities to share about Jesus naturally crop up. This is very important, because most people accept Christ because of the influence of some friend, or another kind of meaningful relationships.

The next style is the invitational style. This style is much like it sounds. It is the kind of person that reaches others for Christ by inviting them to spiritually meaningful events or introducing them to people who can most effectively communicate the truths of salvation.

Finally, Johnson describes the incarnational style. The incarnational style of evangelism serves others in the name of Jesus in order to reach them with the good news of Jesus.

What I find interesting about all of this is the differentiation between WORD and WORKS based evangelism styles. It made me wonder about a lot of this. Shouldn't there be some combination of word and works in our evangelism? Which of these two styles are most effective? How would we measure this?

Anway...things I thought about as I journeyed through this book

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