Sunday, June 30, 2013

Gastric Sleeve Journey: End of Third Week

The end of my third week was disappointing. I did not see the results that I wanted to see on the scale this week. It got me down. And when I get down, I want some pizza and a mt. dew. And, when I cannot have the pizza and mt. dew, I get grumpy.

Now, there are all sorts of reasons I have thought through on why I have stalled in my weight loss this week. For instance, I have not exercised enough. I have also been told to reduce my blood pressure medication and completely eliminate the water pill that goes with it. I have been upgraded early on my diet due to the dizziness that I was experiencing, and there is no doubt that this could have effected my potential weight loss as well. And, to top it all off, in 8 days I have had one wedding and two funerals in addition to my normal worship duties. Nevertheless, I was disappointed. Did I mention I have a hankering for some Mountain Dew?

There are a couple of things that I have begun to notice at this point in the sleeve surgery game. First, the dietary restrictions in the first month of the bariatric diet have as much do to with behavioral management as reteaching eating to patients as it does to what is best for weight loss and what the stomach can handle. I wish they laid out their rationale more in their teaching and literature. Perhaps they think that the patients are too stupid or rebellious to submit to something purely out of behavior modification, but it would be better than telling patients that they cannot handle some foods that patients discover that they can.

I have also noticed that this process is so much easier when you are a part of a couple on the journey of gastric sleeve weight loss together. When we sneak food that relatives bring in the house, we do it together, and when we struggle figuring out what to eat for dinner or lunch, we understand one another. I would not want to do this journey alone, like so many have to. I am glad if I have to do this, I am sharing it with Jenny.

Well, this is not well written, but you are now sufficiently updated...until next week....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had my surgery on the 28th of June I have no idea what to eat crazy I haven't been craiving pepsi thought I would.

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