Friday, March 04, 2005

Its best to rest

I have a confession to make. I have been disobeying 1 of the 10 commandments.

I have not taken a day off in 19 days from work.

I am not saying this in some backhanded braggy way. I am saying it because it is 9pm on a Friday night and I am still working at the office.

I told my buddy Dan he was going to have to keep me accountable. When I said that, Dan told me that he can always tell when I have not been getting the day off that I need. My responses are less insightful to peoples problems, my attitude is not as peppy and positive, and I am not as good of a listener or a conversationalist. I had to pry this out of him, so do not think badly of Dan for being to overzealous in his constructive criticism. I think many do not notice. He notices because he cares.

As a matter of fact, this constructive criticism was a blessing. Why? I always think I am doing good for people by working myself until I almost drop. I think that if I push myself to the edge to care for others I am doing them a favor. My conversation with Dan tonight taught me differently. When I do not take care of myself the way I should I am not the best me I need to be for others.

So often I think by playing the workaholic role I am blessing the church and the ministry. This expereience reminds me that is not so. The Sabbath is a key commandment for a reason. I need to obey it.

1 comment:

Gossip Cowgirl said...

Dan is a good friend. Those hard conversations are often the test of friendship. Good job, Dan.

Everyone in ministry needs to learn how to obey this commandment. Me included. Although now I can't help but rest.

Most pastors only take breaks when they get sick or they have to travel for some family-related thing. We all need to "take back our vacation" as the new commercials say. Sometimes, TV can be wise as well. But only sometimes.

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