Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Good News about losing your CPAP

I am both emotionally and physically dependant on my CPAP. Thus, it was a welcome relief when my breathing machine for my sleep apnia came in the mail.

For those of you who do not know, a CPAP machine is a machine that opens the airway during sleep for those of us who have sleep apnia. Before I had my CPAP, my sleep study showed I woke up approximately once every thirty seconds in the night.

It took about a week to replace it, but the advantage of having the new machine is that I have a new model with a bunch of new features. It is very cool.

Now if I could just get away with not paying my 20 percent.


reliv4life said...

isn't it pretty? great, now, I have CPAP envy!!

rubyslipperlady said...

Congrats, there is nothing like a good night's sleep. I took yesterday off and slept for 10 hours or more. It was glorious! Then last night I had wierd dreams that there was an elephant outside my apt in Nairobi and then that I was in Amsterdam. what?!

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