Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men....

Last night I was trying to catch up on a little cleaning before my wife got home from work and her dentist appointment. We had some left over cookies from before Christmas. They were a little too stale for Jen and I. I thought I had a great idea. Lets give the dog the leftover cookies. It will make him happy. It will help us clean up the shelves a little bit. So I slowly doled out between 6-12 peanut butter cookies to Jake.

I was feeling pretty proud of myself until.....he vomited in living room. And the dining room. And the kitchen. And outside. And he did all this about 5 minutes before Jen got home. So much for cleaning the house before Jen got home from the dentist...

Live and learn I guess.


Drea Inspired said...


Wait a minute, you clean? My husband really needs to hear this.

Cassie said...

Had to lol at this one.Our dog baby Rocket Dog has been sick a few times today...did you slip her a few of those cookies?? he he

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