Saturday, January 17, 2009

Couple Dating: Who Knew (New)?

I guess I am just blind. Before I got married, I socialized with both married folks and single folks as friends. Sometimes I would go to my married friends' houses, and we would do something together after their kids went to bed Sometimes, a number of friends would get together for dinner or movies. If I had friends I wanted to spend some time with, we would find a way to spend time together.

Now that I am a married man, I have discovered that there is a phenomenon called "couples dating". It seems that when you are married, that different couples decide to go out together on something very similar to a date. Often this is like a blind date, because only two of the four people involved in the social gathering know one another before the four people meet. But somehow, married couple's find it pleasurable to go out to eat or go to movie together in a way very similar to dating. We have recieved several such invitations.

Who knew??

1 comment:

reliv4life said...

ok, you lost me! how is this different than hanging out with friends? other than not knowing all the members? give me more info cuz now I am intrigued

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