Friday, January 16, 2009

Peterson on the prophets

Lots of people more or less believe in God. But most of us do our best to customize God to suit our convienience by adapting and modifying, making him "relevant to our situation". Prophets insist that God is the living center or nothing. Our task is to become relevant to His situation. They insist that we deal with God as God reveals Himself, not as we imagine him to be.


reliv4life said...

very good point!

john r mclay said...

I suppose the human tendency to suit our situation always has, and will, leave "partitions" between religious sects and make way for new interpretations of God's Word. This is a large part of the reason religions are labels in my thoughts. Does it really matter to God what color your dress is or if your hat's feather is on the left?
God's people are everywhere we look and go on this earth - and under many different labels.

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