Friday, March 13, 2009

Our Daily Bread: Dependance

My wife says I don't speak loud enough with these videos, so I tried to speak louder in this one.

Soon videos will include the community of Fowler with the iflip video camera.

Also interesting is that as I put these things together, I begin to learn more about preaching and speaking without notes. I usually use a sermon manuscript to preach with, that I usually publish on this blog. But these videos just may give me the courage at some point to preach with limited notes, and then maybe to preach without notes at all.

This has been a good learning process. Please comment with any feedback about the format or the message.

For those of you who just visit the blog and don't usually comment, please learn to do so. It helps me know that you are here, and it helps me feel I am doing this for more than three people.

If you want to comment and you do not have a blogger account, just skip down to the anonomous box and click it, and type your name at the end of your note. Or spend the two minutes it takes to set up a free blogger account to comment.


Momma Bear said...

Hello Clint. I believe a good way to depend on God is by Stewardship. When you pay your tithes and offerings, you are letting Him know that you trust Him enough to provide for you even though it may look as though there may not be enough left over to provide for yourself. I believe that when He sees you are sincere and that you really put your whole trust in Him; He does not let you down. The Bible says,in Matthew 6:31 "Therefore take no thought saying What shall we eat? or what shall we drink or what shall we wear?", and Matthew
6:33 says "seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." I believe when you pay your tithes and offerings, you are depending upon Him to see that you get your needs met. Good subject

reliv4life said...

I finally had time to watch this. Got a bit of a sermon before heading to church this morning! I think a lot of that is true, it is only when we MUST lean on Him that we truly see Him work - when we feel most desperate. Wonder how we can depend on Him more on a daily basis instead of being in a crisis? I don't know, things are going really well in my life right now and I still feel closer to God than ever.
I could hear you fine in all the videos.

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