Monday, March 16, 2009

Prayer Stations

This was our second prayer station. It was about confession. The participants wrote down their sins on a notecard. Then they asked forgiveness from God. Then they put the card with the list of the sins that they confessed in the shredder.

This was our first station. It was about letting go. Looks strange, doesn't it? You hold on to the sugar cubes, which represent your distractions, worries and anger. As you let go of each of these impediments to prayer, you drop the sugar cube into the hot water, and watch the distractions dissolve.

The next three pictures are of the third station...the Creation Praise station. This is a station designed to praise God for who he is through artistic expression. There were several options which included play doh sculpture, drawing, or writing a poem similar to Psalms of Praise.

This is a drawing of praise to God by one of the participants.

This is a play doh sculpture that Wilma made. Wilma is one of our octogenerians. She spent at least a half of an hour on it. Its caption on the paper is, "God holds us in His hands!!!" So awesome.


Aphra said...

These are really cool! Great ideas!

reliv4life said...

what an amazing idea - I wanna come!

Momma Bear said...

These are great; do you mind if I borrow these for our youth group?

Len said...

Very cool Clint. We are planning a worship time for our students now, I'm sure I'll use at least one of those ideas. Michelle was here this weekend, we're watching the kids for a week.

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