Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Quotes about "Our Daily Bread" (unrelated to above)

It is impossible to pray for our daily bread, or for tomorrow's bread today, without being horribly aware of the millions who didn't have bread yesterday, don;t have any today, and in human terms are unlikely to have any tomorrow either. But what can we do about this, as we pray this prayer in church and go home to our Sunday lunch?

NT Wright--The Lord and His Prayer, page 45

Into our pathologically greedy world Jesus teaches "Pray for what you need...for your daily bread." Such an idea begins to make sense only when we seek to live with contentment.

John Ortberg--New Community Bible Study on the Lord's Prayer, page 37

1 comment:

john r mclay said...

Contentment is what the good 'ol U S of A could use. As well as each one of us. A wanting country we are.

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