Thursday, January 27, 2005


In her blog, Traci talked about how much she disliked the smell of cucumber body wash and body spray stuff.

I have come up with a few more creative female scents for bath and body works.

Some possibilities of future scents:

Pepperoni--Who doesn't like the smell of pepperoni pizza. What man wouldn't want to get close to a woman that smelled like pizza and beer.

Red Wine--The scent that says, I have had a few drinks and now I want to have some FUN.

Evergreen Tree--The scent for the person wanting to attract that special outdoor enthusiast. Can't you hear it, "You smell so much like a tree I want to hug you."

anyone have any others....


Gossip Cowgirl said...

I've always wanted to make a cologne called "Masculinity and Leather" because it seems like that's what all the men smell like in the romance novels I read while still a youngster. What exactly does "Masculinity" smell like? Is that code for B.O.? Cuz get that away from me, pronto!!

That an "Horse". Lots of men in those books smelled like "horse". Is that supposed to be a turn-on? I don't particularly like the way men smell after they've been on horses, and I definitely am not attracted to horses. So maybe that one's out.

Oh, and I think we need to have the "New Car Smell" equivalent in human body smells. That way people wouldn't have to smell like a flower or a food, they could just smell like themselves, except fresher. You ask them what they're wearing, they say "New Man Smell" or "New Woman Smell". Nah, nevermind. It just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Or is that what this "Baby Powder" smell is supposed to be? Whatever it is, it's not working for me.

Friar Tuck said...

Actually, I was looking at cologne the other day at the Big and Tall Men's store and my friend Anthony tried to steer me toward ONE by Calvin Kline. It was ok, but saw it at SuperTarget last night and found out that it was labeled "unisex". Thank God I did not buy it.

Note to self: Do not take advice from homosexual acquaintences about cologne. I should have known when he said he liked the fruity smells. Yeesh. A close call.

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