Thursday, January 27, 2005

More quotes for today

From Martin Buber's Ten Rungs: Collected Hassidic Sayings

If a man does not judge himself, all things will judge him, and all things will become messengers of God. (73)

When a man becomes aware of a new way to serve God, he should carry it around with him secretly, and without uttering it for nine months, as though he were pregnant with it, and let others know about it only at the end of that time, as if it were a birth. (74)

The psalm reads: "For singing to our God is good." It is good if man can so bring it about that God sings with him. (30)

If we could hang all our sorrows on pegs and were allowed to choose the ones we like best, everyone of us would take back his own, for the rest would seem too difficult to bear (43)

Happiness settles the spirit, but sorrow drives it into exile (44)

In order to perfect oneself, one must renew oneself day by day (51)

The motto of life is "Give and Take". Everyone must be a giver and a reciever. He who is not both is a barren tree. (80)

Rabbi Shelmo asked: "What is the worst thing the Evil Inclination can achieve?" And he answered: "To make man forget he is the son of a king." (94)

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