Monday, April 18, 2005

From the Heart........

Since last weeks worship service was lost due to a snowstorm, my senior pastor allowed me to do the service over again.

The message was on the "Do you love me?" passage at the end of the Gospel of John, but the core of the message was about the implied question of Peter...what now. I modified this from the time when I asked for your here is the modified version of the sermon notes...which infer that Christ makes for statements that call for four spiritual movements in our lives.

Those movements are:
From ENTITLEMENT to SERVICE--Feed my sheep
From CONTROL to SURRENDER---Bear my cross.
Admittedly, a lot of this was based on a book by Henri Nouwen called IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

I got the best compliment after the message. I was told...I just love it when you do the service because it all comes "straight from the heart". What could be a better compliment than that for someone striving to be an authentic, honest, minister-type?


Oricon Ailin said...

From the heart is always the best kind of sermon. I'm glad that everything went so well for you. I wish I could have been there to hear you preach. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

I like the movements.

They're thought provoking.

Don Tate II said...


Im glad you had another opportunity to get the word out. Too bad...for me... you're not in Austin. I'd love to hear you speak

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