Saturday, April 02, 2005

Sin City and Pope John Paul II

Nothing could be more striking than the contrast I have seen between the way religion was portrayed on Sin City, and the way that the Pope has been portrayed on the television since I have came home.

In Sin City, the villians in the movie are always marked with relgious affiliation. The cannabals, the treasonous woman, the bishop that ran the city. All were vile discusting people. And deeply disturbed. All carry the cross.

Yet, as I watch the retrospectives on the Pope's life, what I see from enemies and friends alike is a belief that the Pope was good, good man who truly made a difference in the world. This pope, in this Protestant's opinion, despite my theological differences with him and Catholicism as a whole, was one of the greatest popes in the church since ancient times.

Part of the reason the pope's witness is so powerful, I think, is his story. Throughout his life he has balanced authentic conviction with great compassion. Something, especially in the American view these days, that is very, very rare.

I guess it goes to show truth is stranger than fiction.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I like yours! I'm glad I stumbled on it. It's bookmarked.

I share your opinions of John Paul. It's hard to know what the man was really like, but he was a force for good in the world where there are few that are.

Don Tate II said...

Thanks for turning me on to your site. Much enjoyed. I will be back. Also look forward to your devotionals, although Im no teen

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