Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Whats left behind by LEFT BEHIND

Have you ever picked up one of the books in the Left Behind Series?

I did at my aunt's house during Thanksgiving Break. Let me tell you, I read it for a little bit and I was hooked. The plot line is compelling, even if in my mind a lot of the theology behind it seems dull and banal.

Now, I know with all 4 or 5 of you that actually read my blog, there are probably 7 or 8 opinions on the end times. Here is my one point for the day.

All of the prophecies and mentioning of the end times are a call to tell us how to live right here and right now. I encountered this once again in the book of James. There he urges us "to be patient" because of the Lord's coming. Even the book of Revelation starts with a letter to seven churches. All of our thinking about the end of days should be grounded in this light of this truth, who is God calling me to be right now?

1 comment:

Oricon Ailin said...

I absolutely LOVE the Left Behind series.

I agree with you Clint. We really should be thinking about our responsibilities as faithful followers of Jesus. We should be asking what God wants us to be and what he wants us to do. *smiles* And then actually DO it.

I can tell you this, while the books are fiction, they have really really made me think twice about some of the things I say and do lately.

Maybe cutting that lady off on the freeway really isn't such a good idea...but on a whole new level now.

*grins* Thank you Clint, for sharing your point. I think so many of us need to be reminded all the time.

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