Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A quick endorsement--a shameless plug for a product I love

If you have not checked out the new NOOMA video stuff from Rob Bell, you should. Two new videos came out this Spring.

Each of these videos are about 10-15 minute "devotional films" with a little bit of a postmodern flare.

The two that just came out recently are LUMP, and BULLHORN. Bullhorn is a controlled rant about how these hellfire and brimstone street preachers just need to stop.

LUMP is about how "there is nothing we can do in our lives that will make God love us any less". It is based on a story with his son.

RAIN is the oldest of the films, and my personal favorite.

DUST is also good, but not with as much universal appeal as RAIN and LUMP.

So, if you have a chance to sneak into your local Christian bookstore and get them, I would highly recommend it.

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