Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Drought is Over

For the first time in 20 years, the Seahawks have won a playoff game. They beat the Redskins 20-10. They play at home next week, and if they win, they go to the Super Bowl.



SUPER said...

All I can say is...GO BRONCOS! 27-13! Eat that Tom Brady!

Nabeel said...

tomorrow it's bears vs. panthers mannnn .. i'm so psyched about it..

Brotha Buck said...

Wa-hoo! Though, I don't exactly know what I'm wa-hooing about. My best

San Nakji said...

Go the Hawks!

SUPER said...

Rooting for "Da Bears" today vs. the Panthers. I could ya not?

Friar Tuck said...

Me too! Go Bears!

San Nakji said...

Yeah, I have to agree there. not looking too good though.

SUPER said...

Poor, poor Bears. My heart hurts!

SUPER said...

Oh...and really..too bad for your Seahawks that they may actually make it to Superbowl, only to be stomped on by the BRONCOS!

traci said...

I LOVE THE SEAHAWKS! I am so excited about this... I may actually watch a superbowl for once in my life... All the way through to the end!

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