Sunday, January 29, 2006

Jesus Doesn't Need a Fan Club

Jesus doesn't need a fan club. These were my thoughts as I drove into work this morning. Let me explain.

I have been thinking a lot about what scholars call the "messianic secret". This is where Jesus heals and helps people but tries to get them to keep it between them and him. It is the lectionary text for next Sunday, and I have been thinking on what it means.

At the same time, here in Colorado we have to listen to Bronco fans turn on their team all over again. Well, maybe not the team, but the folks calling into sports radio are already calling for the trade of the quarterback and the possibility of finding a new coach. It happens whenver does not win the Super Bowl around here. It happens everywhere to a certain extent. It is the nature of a fan. They watch. They scream. But at best they participate from the sideline.

Jesus doesn't need a fan club. He needs participants in his kingdom. People who are going to work with him to love their neighbor and make the world a better place. Jesus doesn't need more billboards, or bumper stickers for support. He doesn't need more of us yelling at homosexuals about how evil they are, or telling heads of state they deserve to die. He needs people who are going to live their lives as compassionate servants.

I think a lot of us are committed to the Christian fan club. We sing our own little club songs, and play our own little club games. We wear our Sunday morning best as a uniform of sorts. We even have something akin to a tailgate party with church potlucks. But are we willing to commit our lives to living the way of Jesus. Are we willing to be players on the field instead of being in the Jesus fan club. I am not sure.


Kimberly Cangelosi said...

Funny timing, we studied Luke 5:12-15 at church this morning!

I love your distinction between fans and team members. The passage we did last week was the preceding one - Luke 5:1-11. In it, Jesus is picking the normal, every day dudes to be on His team!

San Nakji said...

Good on you Friar. The world, and especially America, needs more Christians like you.

The Gig said...

What a nice post. I think your points are well taken and thought provoking. I want what Jesus wants and by the grace of God he will help me get there and basically all of us.

feels good b n FREE said...

thank you so much for challenging me...
it's so real. what is good is it shouting his name?? "repping Christ"
but not being a LIVING WALKING follower of Jesus.

Drea Inspired said...

Interesting post. I agree that Jesus needs participants...people who are willing to serve.

As far as billboards and t-shirts...the question is what purpose are they serving? There is nothing wrong with being proud to be a believer and a servant of God, but we shouldn't make it simply a fashion statement.

"messianic secret"...that concept is quite interesting. I can't understand why Christ would keep it a secret. If you claim to have the power to heal why would you not want anyone to testify that it's true. I think Witnesses were important.

Nabeel said...

i think jesus does need a fan club .. a club full of TRUE fans .. or No# 1 fans ..

so in other words if you're a TRUE fan of Jesus .. you'll act accordingly !!

Friar Tuck said...


"messianic secret" is a term for the several times where Jesus tells someone not to tell that he healed them, or that he is the messiah, or other similar things like that.

part of what I think the point of this is...Jesus does not just want a fan club. He doesn't want uninvested people screaming from the sidelines. He isn't that much into crowds for crowds sake. Jesus calls committed kingdom builders instead.

Friar Tuck said...
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Oricon Ailin said...

I think so many don't truly understand what it is to be a "fisher of men". Jesus asked us to follow him and then share the Good News. However, the "fishers of men" are team players, one who strive for a common goal. They aren't people who just jump and cheer for the good things and then back away when the going gets tough. Nope, true followers and believers should not only talk the talk, but also walk the walk.

A very good post, Friar!

Gretchen said...

Good post, it's funny how much easier it is to put a bumper sticker on your car or wear an obnoxious statement making t-shirt instead of being real and living a life characterized by humility and love.

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