Sunday, January 22, 2006

The First Time Ever


Fahd Mirza said...

Had I know about this game, I would have commented on it :)

SUPER said...

I'm still in shock quite frankly over both games. I thought the Broncos/Steelers would be such a close game..but no, Jake had to play like he'd never seen a damn football before. And I don't know what the hell happened to the Panthers!
My heart hurts, please...let's not discuss it ever again!

Oh..but..honestly, if my boys had to lose to someone I'm glad it was the Steelers...cause that still sends my hometown hero to the Superbowl. If the Steelers win, he will have won a high school state championship from Liberal, a college championship at Michigan, and an NFL Superbowl victory. That, I must admit, would be pretty darn cool for a guy...and would make his hometown pretty happy! GO STEELERS! (Sorry, I just don't think that Seattle can swing it Clint!)

Drea Inspired said...

I guess your 2006 has already been made, huh?

San Nakji said...

Just like I picked man! Seahawks are 2006 'world' champs!

feels good b n FREE said...

i take it u're excited

Nabeel said...

i know dude .. i knowww !!
what was the final score? 34 - 14 or something ..

Brotha Buck said...

I'm going to have to watch the superbowl this year so I won't feel like I missed out.

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