Thursday, January 05, 2006

My story: Part 2--Childhood changes

So somewhere around kindergarten we moved in a little closer to town, in a subdivision in a little part of town called Winchester. The house was more simple and conservative.

We lived there around a year. Then we had this little family meeting where mother told us that my parents were getting a divorce. I can't really talk to much about this, because my memories of the situation are historically inaccurate. I was too flooded with emotion to say much.

I don't remember a lot around that time either. I remember moving to a house IN TOWN. In addition to having Dad out of the picture, I was put in this really conservative Christian school. I remember getting spankings for staring out the window, and the whole class having to get on our knees and pray for repentance because someone rolled a marble on the floor.

After a year at the Christian school I went to public school. It was not easy either. I got picked on a lot by other kids. The teacher was not nice to me, and she needed to retire.

Somewhere in the middle of all this I convinced my mother that we should start going to church. And we did. And it was there where I really began to understand who Jesus was and believe in him, and started to make that belief a really important part of how I thought and how I lived. And that did, and continues to make all the difference in the world.


Fahd Mirza said...

please where possible, also write the years. It would be easy to correlate then.

rubyslipperlady said...

Thank you for sharing your life with us, dear Friar.

Drea Inspired said...

I think in the midst of trouble is when most people make their way to the Lord...that's how it was for me.

thanks for sharing...blessings to you.

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