Monday, March 06, 2006


I am feeling a little guilty this evening.

I had lunch at Chilis with a Blue Marg. and quesadillas.

Tonight I did the wireless thing at the local starbucks, bought a pair of cheap ($10) headphones since my other ones had all broke, and bought a non-fat peppermint mocha latte.

I should feel bad. I want to be more disciplined. But I decided to spoil myself a little bit and really be nice to me on my day off--be nice to me without staying in bed until the afternoon that is.

Another reason for the starbucks purchase of wireless recieved a virus at work. So my laptop is my digital lifeline right now....and dial-up only goes so far.


rubyslipperlady said...

I'm going to Red Robin with gals from school and then out for tea. yea. I don't have either the time or the money, really, but I'm going anyway!

Sometimes it's good and right to spoil yourself, othertimes, it's not.

We each have to make that call in each situation. No need to be a spoiled glutton, but if we don't treat ourselves, as singles living on our own, far away from family, there's no guarantee that anyone else will.

SUPER said...

As for me...I'm dying for a mani/pedi...perhaps while I'm in on vaca.

rubyslipperlady said...

Vaca? Who said you could go on vaca? Where? When? I didn't know you were coming, you should've warned me.

SUPER said...

You wish! Just going to Denver for part of spring break. I haven't been out there since I went to get my stuff. I miss my peeps! Going on Friday morning..coming back on Wed. morning, so I can partake in the Tuesday evening karaoke ritual!

Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble

On Getting Out of Bed By Alan Noble IVP  ISBN 978-1-5140-0443-2 Reviewed by Clint Walker Have you ever gotten a good night’s sleep, and stil...