Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Rule--We are in need of some social darwinism

New rule:

If your rear end is dumb enough not to evacuate during a mandatory evacuation of your city, you should not be entitled to any rescue efforts from your state or national government. Especially, if you decide it would be really cool to surf a catagory 3 hurricane.

**shakes head**


larkswing said...

What? Leave your seaside home that has no sea wall? Puhleease!! To bad people can't think beyond themselves! I read a comment on the Stormcarib site implying that Cuba has some pretty serious consequences if you choose to ignore mandatory evacuation orders. I think they should fine those who stayed in the areas - but then they might not have a job any longer since so much is trashed and the power grid is shot. A month in some areas before power is expected to be restored.

Steve said...

I read that there was no looting in Cuba when the storm went through. That's probably the only advantage of living in a police state where no one has anything worth stealing. I don't know much about hurricanes, just enough to make me glad I live a thousand miles inland at an elevation of 6,000 feet.

reliv4life said...

Sean's parents and sis stayed...Kelli says it was SO worth it! weird to me...I guess it is worth it if you live?

Friar Tuck said...

I dont have as much of a problem with people staying, as staying and then expecting everyone else to rescue them.

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