Thursday, September 18, 2008

What each party needs to do to win

I have still been faithfully been watching the political campaigns. Though I get tired of the bickering, I love the back and forth of this election cycle. The two candidates for president are so close in the polls! It makes for a lot of excitment and a lot of drama.

As I have said previously, I have not made up my mind who I am going to vote for quite yet. Unlike some, who do not believe we have a lot in the way of choices this time around, I find things I like about each of the candidates. And things I am hopeful about with each ticket.

As we come up on 6 weeks left in the campaign, there are certain things I think each candidate needs to accomplish.

Obama: Obama has to prove he is not the second coming of Jimmy Carter. He needs to assure us that he is going to be strong and direct with other foriegn leaders we may be hostile with. Whenever I have seen him in strong confrontation, he seems uncomfortable with that confrontation. In the debates it is most important that he appears strong. He needs to have times where he does not just look the camera in the eye, but that he looks McCain straight in the eye and tells McCain that he is wrong about something.

McCain:McCain, from my vantage point, needs to prove that he stands for something specific. Specifically, he needs to have a vision for the future. Right now, his campaign is basically, "You can't really trust that young man" and "Isn't Sara a great young lady?"


larkswing said...

Good points - it will be interesting to see if their approaches and what they present will change between now and November. I hope so . . .

reliv4life said...

I like the way you organize your thoughts - something I am not good at - but now that I see it written out this way - yea - I agree with both. I think they are both men of integrity, but will they take us where we want to go? I can't decide.

reliv4life said...

OK...have a question - Reag and Jake keep asking me, so I am passing it on to you! Have you heard that Palin is an ultra conservative christian? Jake says he can't help but keep thinking of the film Jesus Camp - did you see it? Just wondered your thoughts on this.

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