Friday, September 26, 2008

Two Name First Names

On our drive to Colorado Springs last week, Jennifer and I talked about two name first names. Both of us were curious why they came about. My wife has made the observation that most serial killers seem to have a two name first name.

I noticed that an easy way to name a woman after a man is to put a female second name after a male first name. I used to have a girl in youth group named Kyle Ann. A number of her friends and I would just call her Kyle, but the Southern female youth leader made sure she always called her by both names. Ann is one middle name that can be added to many male names given to women to feminize those names:
Kyle Ann
Michael Ann
Bobby Ann
George Ann
Lee Ann

Mae is another feminizer in two word first names.
Willy Mae
Bobby Mae

Men with two names are often named after someone with a first and last name of someone important. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. We have a Walter Raliegh Walker in our family.

Any other thoughts on two word first names?


reliv4life said...

Growing up in TX I knew lots of people with two names and we always said them as one - Jim Bob was Jimbob. I think it is more common down there. Jo is also common second name give to a girl - Mary Jo, etc...

stephanie said...

This is the sweetest thing I've heard in a very long time.

rubyslipperlady said...

I love two names. It's fun, it's homey (I don't know why, I don't think anyone in my family uses two names). I just like it.

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