Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Differences in Presentation

The culture of Republicans and Democrats are different. This even goes to their method of communication and presentation.

The democrats seemed to be all about weaving a narrative and painting a picture. I personally like this, but I wonder how much of the highly abstract artistic stuff is appreciated by the common person.

Republicans are more literal thinkers than the Democrat party. You can notice this in the way they present their messages, the way they focus on their main points, and the way they present their party to the country.

This is what makes it difficult for me this year. I agree with the broad direction of Barack Obama, but on several important policy issues I agree with John McCain.


David Cho said...

Good observations.

I simply do not see what was so great about Obama's speech. Was looking for specifics, and was very disappointed. Maybe I am still a Republican liberal thinker at heart.

I think selling fear has been part of the GOP's communication and presentation. It worked in 2002 and 2004, but didn't in 2006.

If McCain brings up the "if we leave, they will follow us home" mantra, I am turning off the TV. That is what they said in the midst the Vietnam quagmire (Communism will spread to our door step and all over the world) to justify the prolonging the war, and now they are trying to sell the same fear card.

David Cho said...

Ooops. Meant to say "Republican LITERAL thinker at heart."


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