Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Book Review of Managing God’s Money: A Biblical Guide



ISBN 978-1-4143-4553-6

Published by Tyndale

Reviewed by Clint Walker

I have recently been collecting books to review on money management. This is the first of a few of these books. When finished with the individual reviews, I am thinking about putting together a combined review of all of the books where I will compare and contrast them. For now, I want to share about Managing God's Money by Randy Alcorn with you.

There is much to commend about Managing God's Money: A Biblical Guide. Perhaps most striking is the very Biblical title of the book: Managing God's Money. From the beginning, the author and publisher remind us that the financial resources that we have responsibility for are not our own. They are given to us by God for us to manage and to use for his glory.

The book is an excellent resource. It has brief, intelligent, and easy to read summaries about most issues dealing with money. Alcorn begins by laying the foundation of some basic attitudes toward money that the Bible encourages and some basic principles about money that the Bible commands we take into account. He then shares about some thought patterns and perspectives that are roadblocks and lead to approaches toward money that are unbiblical. He shares about how important the uses of our financial resources are to our spiritual formation, including our attitudes toward giving.

After laying the Biblical foundation of a Christian's proper relationship with, and attitude toward money, Managing God's Money touches on a myriad of other questions about the wise stewardship of finances. Included in this is how to teach one's church and one's family about good stewardship, which I found especially helpful.

In addition to the stellar content that Alcorn contributes, there is much to commend about how the book is constructed and marketed. It is marketed in a mass-market edition, which allows for an economical purchase of this resource. The table of contents is essentially a detailed outline, which allows the reader to easily find the section they are most interested in, and thus makes this book strong reference material.

This is an excellent book and an affordable cost for those who want to learn more about money, and what God says about it.

*This book was provided by Tyndale in exchange for an honest review

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