Friday, June 17, 2011

Book Review of Marriage Matters by Winston T. Smith

ISBN 978-1-935273-61-5
Published by New Growth Press
Reviewed by Clint Walker

Marriage is not always easy. In fact, at times, it can be downright difficult and painful. What we often forget is that marriage can also be a very effective tool for spiritual transformation and for Christian witness. Winston T. Smith, in his book Marriage Matters reminds us of this very important truth.

Smith’s primary thesis is that God can use the ordinary moments of our marriages to grow us spiritually, to draw us closer to God, and to help us to heal the more profound problems that become stumbling blocks in our marriage relationships. Instead of waiting for our marriages to be healed by dramatic turning points, or with some instant insight, we need to be honest and reflective enough to allow God to slowly make our marriages better through baby steps toward love born in the routines of our everyday lives. Smith states it this way,

The path to change in your marriage is built on this truth: God is involved in
every moment of your marriage. In that sense, there are no ordinary moments,
only moments of God’s activity, of which you may or may not be aware , and in
which you may or may not chose to participate. (p.8)

Marriage Matters goes on to say that our problems in our marriage can often be helped as we look at our own lives, and see our side of the conflicts in our marriage as failures to love. Then, we need to take the steps needed to make our actions and attitudes more loving. This is a profoundly a spiritual issue, says Smith, because loving God and others is basic to Christian discipleship. When we place ourselves or other things as a priority over loving God and loving others we are sinning, and perhaps even worshipping and idol. It is at these moments, Smith argues, that we need to come back to our spiritual center for the sake of our marriage.

The rest of the book flows out of this foundation. Smith believes living in this truth will improve couple’s communication and their sex lives, and grow their openness, honesty, and happiness with one another. I think I agree with him.

This is a book that will be especially helpful for folks feeling stuck in their marriages, and looking for a way to move forward instead of repeating the same unhappy cycles. It will also be a wonderful vehicle for growth, as readers discover that their marriage is an opportunity for God to transform our souls more and more in His image.

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